Video Production with meditation music and great landscapes
Fusion Studios has started to develop their own video production content. Even though we are in Orlando, there are plenty of beautiful places out there and we have embarked into the adventure of bringing amazing landscapes together with great music to meditate, relax, study and even work. In the next couple of months, Fusion Studios will be releasing a variety of videos that will take you to a better stage of relaxation and tranquility. These videos’ durations last long enough to study for a short time, or to listen to the whole day at work, meditate for an hour or just let it play overnight for a more relaxing sleep.
The first videos will be featuring different location within the West Virginia State. Our video production team took advantage of this wonderful location and created a series of videos with lakes, mountains, cascades, and plenty of colorful vegetation and skies. This picture below is a clear representation of how a sunset should look like all the time. The are some areas where people cannot enjoy this type of sunsets with mountains and amazing colors.
If you want to receive not just the first meditation video but all the relaxing videos to come, please visit and subscribe to our email list so we can send you an email when the videos are out.
In the picture featured in this post on top, we see the videographers up-close a 62 feet cascade after getting in to the forest for about 45 minutes on foot. This type of cascades are really hard to find in Florida, and our video production team had to travel hundreds of mile to find these natural beauties.
The temperature in this area barely reaches the 70 degrees in the middle of the summer and the waters are still really cold compared to other areas of the country. We hope you like green.
This photo was taken the same day as the first picture above. Only couple of minutes apart, and so much difference in color and texture. It is an absolute spectacle to be in the right place at the right time.
It’s just the perfect combination of blues, greens, whites, shadows and the tranquility of the moment is priceless and everyone should be able to experience this at some point in their life.