Appearence -First Impression- Video Production Orlando

Author: Fusion Studios |

Is your appearance sending the right impression to your customers?
Appearance is vital to any business! and remember. You only have 3 seconds to make a first impression.

Of course, after the first impression, then comes the dialogue and therefore the beginning of a business relationship… but believe me, coming back from a bad first impression will only make it more difficult for you and your company 55 percent of first impressions are based on overall appearance. People often decide whether or not they like you, or if they will do business with you, within 10 seconds of a first encounter.
So, what happens when you decide to make a video to represent your company?… or to show one of your products or services?
Well, it kind of works the same way as the first impression scenario, we just talked about.
Having a video made with your phone to represent your company might not be the best “representation” of your business.
Even using your own professional camera might upscale your video a bit more, but really when you pay a video production company to come in and make your video, you’re paying for more than a camera with a cameraman.
You get, a creative team that will analyze your product or service and create the best way to illustrate your company in a video…the lights, the camera, the music these things are just part of the tools the production company will use to make sure you create the best first impression when you can’t personally be there.

Do you want a video like this one?, go to: