In this interview, Kyle Davis from Kyle Davis Financial, talks to us about how he promotes his financial practice with video, especially online video. He started creating videos on his own and now he uses a video production company in Orlando. The videos usually are explanatory videos that cover financial instruments and tools, mainly, for people to save for their future or their retirement.
As filmmakers, we are always on the go, moving from location to location. Sound stages can be a little out of budget for some small or local production companies. A lot of times we are forced to turn houses, condos, flats or apartments into our production space, whether it’s your personal living space or something you got off Airbnb; and the practice is quite common.
In this interview, Bob Gregor from Circle Tree in Orlando, tell us a little bit about how a virtual technology officer works and the way companies can take advantage of working with a CTO. Also, Bob talks to us about how important it is for companies to have and promote online videos that will engage with their clients and customers, as well as delivering good content. Circle Tree started as a regular agency creating mostly websites and developing an online presence for companies and know that also offer CTO services to companies that are going through transition or cannot afford a full time CTO. Bob recommends companies to add video content to their online marketing plan as well as how important is to talk to the experts at any video production company in Orlando or any other place, to understand what type of video will fit their marketing objectives.
Thеѕе dауѕ, vidео production iѕ considered аѕ one оf thе mоѕt роtеnt mеthоdѕ tо get thе wоrd оut аbоut your buѕinеѕѕ tо уоur prospective niсhе mаrkеt, and саll thеm into асtiоn. If you’re completely nеw to thiѕ tуре оf mеdium, рrоduсing a vidео tо mаrkеt your buѕinеѕѕ саn bе quite diffiсult and intimidating. Among thе рrinсiраl concerns thаt соmе up is hоw tо find the right реорlе whо оffеr excellent ѕеrviсе and agreeable dеаlѕ. Liѕtѕ down ѕеvеrаl kеу factors to соnѕidеr in vidео production and provides uѕеful tips to mаkе thе рrосеѕѕ more effective.
It is very important to have testimonial of any kind in your website. Even better if if they are testimonial videos, especially if they are done by a video production company.
Going with a good production company will ensure the framing, the audio and the lighting and direction will reflect into your video production. Testimonials are very powerful, and that’s very clear for Western Governors University. Fusion Studios, a video production company in Orlando, was hired to film the testimonials of dozen of students and employees speaking about their personal experiences at the university. Just remember that working with a video production company will help you develop videos that are clear and pleasant to watch.
We rесеntlу tооk thе timе tо do a location scouting fоr a music vidео fоr a lосаl аrtiѕt. For the filming part of the video, wе ѕtаrtеd dау one with the alley ѕhоtѕ within the downtown Orlаndо area. Wе соvеrеd widе, medium аnd сlоѕе uр shots and thе camera wе used wаѕ the GH5 (wе recorded 4K); we also ѕеt it uр the camera on a gimbal for ѕtаblе ѕmооth shots.
Event video coverage, the perfect way to show everyone what your event is all about?
Last weekend, Fusion Studios filmed the Hispanic Business Expo 2015 held at the Orange County Convention Center. Our video production company was in charged of filming the different events such as the speed networking session, the supplier diversity business matchmaking, and also a variety of business leaders that shared with more that 700 attendees important information for business owners and entrepreneurs.
Sometimes we don’t have access to the right space that we need for our shoot. A way to get quick access is to simply rent out space.
If the production company owns a studio space or a soundstage to film the videos in, they could include the space on the quote for the client. Now, if the production company doesn’t own a space, there are plenty of local places that will fit your need (for the most part).
In this interview, Jorge Cruz from Marketing Innovations Group, talks about how companies are using their reputation online to attract more customers and therefore increase sales. Jorge mentions how important it is to have video testimonials communicating how great the customer’s experience was (with your company) and also how crucial it is to ask for written reviews from current customers talking why they are satisfied working with you or your company.
Trying to add movement to your corporate video could be more difficult then you think. Thankfully 3-axis gimbals and stabilizers have become part of the cinematic set for video production companies. These devices will help improve the cinematic quality of your corporate video. Usually, some videographers are used to using simple tripod shots. A gimbal allows smooth shots that make the camera appear like it’s floating, like in Hollywood movies. Gathering b-roll for a corporate event becomes a lot more engaging and sometimes even more interactive.
“Let’s talk business” is a radio show, exclusive for members of the Chamber of Commerce Metro Orlando (HCCMO) .
In this first edition of 2014, Fusion studios was present as guests discussing the importance of having video on the Internet for businesses. We also discussed how video is the face of your business on the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and also spoke about how a good video production company, helps businesses show a more professional image.
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Here at Fusion Studios, a video production company in Orlando, are proud to present our showreel video featuring some of the projects we produce throughout the year. 2017 had a lot in store for us, we had the opportunity of producing videos here locally in Florida for companies such as Lennar Homes, Walmart, Northwestern Mutual, and Tropical Ford. We also had quite the number of clients and projects in different areas of the country where we got to fly in and work in places such as King’s Dominion in Virginia, King’s Island, and Cedar Point theme parks in Ohio. We also did some time lapses for a flooring company in Washington DC and had an amazing time filming recognized Jazz guitar players in New York last summer.
If you have a company and you’re looking to add a promotional video or a corporate video to your website, testimonial videos might be the perfect choice to take your website or company to the next level. Yes, you can have highlight clips showcasing what services you provide or what clients can get out of working with you, but when you add an actual client talking about their experience working with you or your company this can make the decision-making easier for whoever is looking to hire you. When you include testimonials videos in your sales process, it will allow you to create some rapport when you are attracting more clients, and therefore being able to close more deals.
Fusion Studios and the beautiful Actress Gaby Collazo worked together in a new web commercial coming out next week. First Impression Dental Studio is being around for more than 20 years providing dentures solutions to dentist in the Central Florida area and now as part of their online marketing plan this video will help them spread their message around the internet.
In this interview, we annualize how companies bring and use video productions to enhance their connections with their clients. Today, we have Lu Mueller-Kaul, Owner and lead therapist at Balance Orlando. Lu talks to us about how video has bring a better understanding the type of treatment they offer at Balance Orlando.
We recently did a blog talking about what you need for a multi-camera shoot. We also recently did an actual multi-camera shoot, and we decided to make a break down to highlight some of the key points and problems we faced.
Searchmetrics found that, of all content included in Google’s general search listings, video showed up frequently, being displayed in over 75 percent of all search results. The implementation of video not only increases SEO strength, but also increases the lead generation from the desired target markets.
We here at Fusion Studios would like to take the time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a happy New Year! It’s been quite an exciting year for us and we hope everyone else has had the same experience. We hope to see you all in the next year and we are looking forward to working on new video projects. Be on the lookout!
Other than making corporate video, Fusion Studios is a video production company that also specializes in time lapses videos. In most cases, time lapses give that extra cool look to the location you are filming in. Here, we have an example of time lapse in downtown Chicago at the Millennium Park.